It all began with English literature back in my school days. I still remember the title of the book, Figments of Imagination. The book introduced my adolescent mind to so many life lessons. Each story stayed with me for a long, long time.

Even in the age of digital media, I would prefer a hardcover to an eBook any day. Nothing can quite beat the fragrance of a new book. I feel a good book is so much like falling in love, especially because you can’t wait to take time to read and experience something unique. It is something you just can’t let go to the very end.

While books treated me to many a life experience during my childhood, it became a passionate habit growing up. Before I knew it, I was an avid reader. I began exploring different genres. Today, I do not need to find time to read. Reading has become an integral part of my routine, regardless of whether I am vacationing or working. Even when life feels gloomy, I turn to books for immediate solace. Reading helps me focus and makes me calmer.

The genre I read depends on my mood. Some of my favorites are The Alchemist and The Lord of the Rings. Our very own, the Bhagavad Gita, is also one of my all-time favorites. I’m not really into romance-fiction; it just isn’t my cup of tea.

In today’s time of information overkill, being well-read is a skill in itself. It helps one get and, more importantly, stay connected. It helps one both converse and express. I am glad I found myself in books, and I hope my story can inspire readers across the globe do so, too.


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